New York City Public Library & Bryant Park Headshots | Mike | New York City Photographer

In addition to being the owner of a photography business, I also work as an education consultant.  My consulting work has taken me to New York City 2-3 days a week lately, and I am falling more and more in love with NYC on each visit!  I don't think I could ever live in the city, but I do love visting often!  So, when Michael Peloso asked if we could meet up on one of my visits and update his headshots, I was thrilled!

Mike is not only super nice, but he's also a very talented lyricist!  One of the songs that was co-written by Mike is currently on the Grammy Ballot!  To learn more about Mike and to follow his work, click here:

I hope you enjoy this small selection of the photos we created at the New York City Public Library and Bryant Park.  (If the library looks familiar, you might recognize it from the Ghostbusters movie!  I was even fortunate enough to get shushed by a librarian while I was there for being too loud!  Unfortunately, it was a living librarian and not a ghost...)